Friday, September 5, 2008

Yet another reason that the Palin choice might have been a bad one for McCain

There are all of the obvious reasons of course. Possible corruption, no experience, ties to goofy groups, wanting to ban books. Well, you know, the normal stuff for religious extremists. But there is one other reason that I haven't heard mentioned. In a word, Hillary.

I have been more than a little bit concerned that Hillary was at best not going to support Obama and at worst, actively although not directly, undermining him. I should say that in the time since she conceded I think that has not been the case, and that she has supported Obama. But I was still concerned. And certainly lots of people thought that the Palin nomination was an attempt to splinter off Hillary supporters from the Democratic camp.

But is that really reasonable now? Hillary has been planning her political raise since she was at law school according to some, and its hard to believe she hasn't been planning it at least since the early 90's. If come next January we have a Vice President Palin, Hillary will no longer be the most important woman in American politics. She will no longer be the woman most likely to be the first female president. She will have been completely upstaged by the former mayor of a city of 9000 people. That cannot be a very happy thought for Senator Clinton. I would strongly suspect that Hillary is going to put everything she can into seeing that Obama gets elected and that the next vice president is Joe Biden, not Sarah Palin. Clinton is probably also going nuts seeing the media criticize the Democrats for being critical of Palin. A lot of those same media people sure didn't see anything wrong about treating women that way when they were applying the double standard to Hillary.